Three on Thursday, December 21

Three on Thursday, December 21

‘Twas the Thursday before Christmas, and yet on my list….

There are way more than 3 things on my list, but these things are in the “must complete” category:

  1. Choir tonight, so I have rehearsal tracks to practice which will cut into my reading time today. Darn it all! Haha! However, this is only bad because The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden is wonderful, laugh out loud funny, and entirely perfect for getting things done!
  2. Seaming… need I say more. The knitting might be done, but I still have a bit of seaming to do!
  3. WALK! This has been on my list multiple times this week, but strangely it is not getting done nor crossed off. I have prioritized it today, so it gets done (note, this is again all due to The Girl Who Saved Sweden as I have told myself that the ONLY TIME I CAN LISTEN is when I walk!) Oh, the bargains we make with ourselves! LOL

That is the peek at my list today. Want to see everyone’s lists? Head over to Carole’s!

See you back here tomorrow!

Nine on Thursday?

Nine on Thursday?

Taking a page post from the most brilliant Vicki, I present my IG Best Nine of 2017:


Knitting, stitching, protesting, and bird watching are wonderful things to be reminded of.

Now, back to my regularly scheduled holiday freak out.

If you want to see more thoughtful and better prepared Thursday Things, head over to Carole’s!

Three on Thursday, December 21

Three on Thursday, November 30

Today’s three things are all about celebration! So, first, a little listening music for this celebration post!

Thing 1:

Today is the final day of another successful NaBloPoMo! Yahoo! This is our celebration!

Thing 2:

My November stitching will get its last stitches today and tomorrow I will begin December! And, December will bring to the close this Year of Stitching. I cannot tell you how much I have loved growing in this project! I have such incredible ideas for next year, I can’t wait to share it with you all in December! Celebrate good times, come on!

Thing 3:

The Peace Train starts tomorrow! And, after a quick toss of the stash, I have found the perfect yarn for my Peace Shawl. And, it is hand spun yarn to boot!! Let’s celebrate!

There you have my celebratory  things for this final day of November! If you want to see more Thursday Things, head over to Carole’s!

Three on Thursday, December 21

Three on Thursday, November 23

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Today’s post is short and simple, I’ve got some cooking to do! Today my things are things that I am profoundly thankful for!

Thing 1:

Thing 2:

Thing 3:

Wondering what others might have on their lists today? Head on over to Carole’s to see what they had to say!

Three on Thursday, December 21

Three on Thursday, November 16

It seems like there is a lot of hectic going around lately! Must be the season, amirtie?

Thing 1:

Peeling 12 lbs of apples is a heck of a task, just sayin’. Oh, and there were 6, but we had one for dinner. It was delicious.

Thing 2:

This one is for Bonny! The easy button band is almost done, I think 2 more rows and then the bind off and I am about to start my third wheel.

Thing 3:

I can’t wait. And, bonus points for adding in my favorite non-colors!

Sometimes, simplicity wins.

Want to see what things everyone is talking about today? Head on over to Carole’s to see!

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