Three on Thursday, September 28

Three on Thursday, September 28

This week, just 3 things. Really. No more, no less.

Thing 1:

While walking last week I found these two stunning feathers. I wondered what bird they might have come from; my initial thoughts were either a hawk or an owl. Well, I was wrong on both counts. They are wild turkey feathers (thank you Google!!) It’s kind of nice knowing that the wild turkeys like our walking path. I feel like we are in good company!

Thing 2:

We got a bushel of apples from our local farm market. Really lovely apples, but a bushel. Luckily, I found this recipe thanks to Anni! Now, my riff on this will not include a crock pot, but I think it will still work even without that item! And, apple butter… oh yeah!

Thing 3:

I have been seeing some recipes for Damson Gin on Pinterest and this one looks almost too easy. I have never made Sloe Gin, but I believe the homemade version will be superior to the stuff you find at the Wine and Spirits Store. I love that you use the soaked Damsons in a Crumble. Yeah. My thoughts exactly. Sometimes Pinterest can be the worst time suck on earth, but this was definitely not one of those times!

There you have it, THREE things on Thursday! Now, if you want to read about more things, head on over to Carole’s!

September Joy

September Joy

There was much to be joyful about in September from cooler days to the joyful return of summer warmth!

There was lots of walking and lots of knitting (but not at the same time!)

There were extra-long holiday weekends and even just a plain old long weekend, so September weekending was perfect!

The gardens again brought much joy, and while they are looking a bit bedraggled now, they certainly gave lots of wows! And, yes, there are still a few blooms on the Foxglove and the Yarrow.

I found joy in a new haircut and in early morning PIlates.

And, there was lots of joy at Tuesday Knit Nights at the library!

And, after 12+ hours without electricity yesterday, I can truly say that having the power return at 3:30AM is the most joyful thing ever!

Oh, and today I might even find some joy in the simple pleasure of taking a nap!


Three on Thursday, September 21

Three on Thursday, September 21

It’s Thursday, and that can only mean one thing!

Yup, I need to come up with three things to tell you about today!

I could tell you that the process of sleeve lengthening has begun, but it hasn’t. It was usurped by Nekia lengthening – that’s right. I have worn Nekia twice now and I am constantly pulling it down. So, it obviously needs a bit more length.

I could tell you about my insane urge to cast on all the things, but I am showing remarkable restraint!

I could also tell you about being in a dieting holding pattern six weeks and counting…no losses, and no gains either. However, this does nothing to help these last 30-ish pounds I want to lose, but as Steve reminds me daily that muscle weighs more than fat, so hopefully this means I am gaining one and losing the other.

But, rather this week I find myself longing for what was and mourning what might have been.

And, really regretting that we are stuck with Orange Marmalade.

I think there are more than three things here, but it’s a work in progress. Right? What are your Thursday things?

Want to see far more clever things? You will find them all here!

P.S. One final bonus thing: Happy Birthday, Carole! I hope your day is filled with love and joy!

Three on Thursday, September 21

Three on Thursday, September 14

Think Write Thursday has faded into the sunset of summer. While this makes me the tiniest bit sad (like I am with the passing of summer) I agree with Carole that it was beginning to be too much work and not great participation! That being said, I might have had a moment of panic this week as I contemplated what three things I would blather on about here. You know…no instructions just my own brain! LOL However, I am forging ahead so…Welcome to Three Things Thursday!

Thing 1 (I almost feel like Chris Hayes in an All In-ish kind of way)

Learning something new is hard work. This is most certainly true of my Pilates practice – each day I hope that I will do better than the week before and sometimes I win… and sometimes the learning curve is so steep and I feel like I have miles and miles to go. But, I am not quitting and that is truly a thing of wonder for a person who always did everything I could to NOT exercise!

This is also true of making a simple (okay, maybe not so simple) t-shirt ala Alabama Chanin. Who knew that deconstruction could be so much work!! Now I have all the pieces apart, I am just working on the putting them back together part, but first some simple (no, really – SIMPLE) embellishment. I can see how this can be addictive. And I am already contemplating stenciling… I have more t-shirts so I think this could be a very good thing. I am also pondering RIT dyes so that they are not all white… stay tuned!

Thing 2

Occasionally I find something funny on the internet. I know, who’da thunk it! This week’s chuckle was served up by Victoria Elizabeth Barnes (I especially related to this awesome sentence: “…and listening to Paul tell me what I’ve done wrong recently.”) Yep, I can soooo relate.

Speaking of the internet, sometimes it is also filled with things that make me gasp in wonder. It is especially wonderful that this link was brought to my attention by Vicki. Proceed with caution… there is so much inspiration here! Just wow, amirite?

Thing 3 

I have been thinking lots (and I mean lots!!) about where my stitching will take me next year. I absolutely do not want to “be done” on December 31st but I don’t want to do the same thing all over again next year. So, I have come up with what I hope will be an exciting plan; I will stitch the four seasons. I have purchased more linen and each piece will be larger. I will still stitch daily, but each project will last longer. I am excited and energized about this new idea which will start this year on the first day of winter, December 21.

Then, what am I going to do with all my months of stiching from this year? Well, I have gotten some guidance from Margene on how to prep them to stitch them together – I will begin working on this after we get back from visiting my kids in October. Unlike each day of stitching, this will require some planning. But, my thought process has begun – up next some drafting on paper!

There you have my Things for this Thursday… whew, that was way easier than I thought it would be!

Would you like to see more (and possibly more brilliant) Thursday Things? You will find them all here!

The List

The List

This week’s Think Write Thursday discussion with Carole gave birth to this week’s topic of discussion: We’re starting to feel like this whole Think Write Thursday thing isn’t going so well. Participation isn’t high and it’s been dropping off steadily for the last little while. We don’t want anyone to feel bad or guilty about not playing along – your blog, your rules! – but we are hoping we can revamp things a bit and kickstart some energy back into this weekly blog prompt. So, we’re going to try something new, sort of a riff on Three Things on Thursday. This week we are asking you to share 3 things on your To Do List with all of us. Everybody likes to write lists, don’t they?!

Yes, I am a list writer – of all sorts – things to not forget, things to get done, wish lists, gift lists, want to read lists, and yes – even knitting lists. I like to make my lists with a “check box” because there is nothing quite as satisfying as checking something off a list, amirite? After all, isn’t that why you write a list?

So, three things from my current “To Do List” that I have not yet completed:

  1. Find a recipe for “large tomato preservation”
  2. Haircut (which will be crossed off today! YAY)
  3. Find an optometrist to get my eyes examined

There you have it – three very diverse things. And, some obviously easier to complete than others.

The haircut might be the easiest – after all, I just need to go and sit while someone else does all the work. It has been a good bit of time since my last haircut and thoughts I have of “growing my hair out” only ever get to the length it is now and I give up and that is okay with me.

I have been poking around the internet a bit looking for something I can do with my collection of large tomatoes. I am thinking that a simple diced tomato would be a nice thing to have – maybe some with onion and jalapeno and some with basil. Those are my thoughts which look great on paper it is just getting all the canning stuff out and getting it done that is the hard part!

Finally, the last thing on my list – the Eye Doctor… for the past few weeks I have noticed that my “drug store readers” have not really been enough to see to knit or stitch certain times of the day. So rather than just going out and getting a stronger reader, I think it is time to find an eye doctor. Definitely not my favorite listed item, but perhaps the most necessary!

If you want to see what everyone else has on their list, you will find them here! And, if you would like to join us for Think Write Thursdays, you can sign up here.

Hello, September

Hello, September

This week’s Think Write Thursday topic is to write a post with the title “Hello, September”

Since I began my stitching journey in January, nothing is quite as exciting as the start of a new month. It is a blank canvas laying before me filled with infinite possibilities.

And, September is especially so – it brings a new palette of colors, a change of seasons, and lots of new ideas.

So… Hello, September! You excite me!

If you want to read what others had to say to September, you will find them here. If you want to join me and Carole for Think Write Thursday you can sign up here!

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