Welcome to My Blog

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It was a very weak moment!

It was a very weak moment!

Hello everyone!  Fiber Festival in Allegan was so much fun - and there was some stash enhancement!  And, I bought a drop spindle - I know, I was just going to look!  Well, it looked like an interesting and wonderful way to drive myself nuts this weekend!  So I...

Fiber Fest, here I come!

Fiber Fest, here I come!

  So, here is my first EZ knit - this is the Baby Surprise Jacket for Steve and Jinda's "baby in progress"! This little bundle of joy is expected to arrive sometime early in February. I am going to join the shoulders with an attached i-cord. I absolutely loved...

Take me out to the ballgame…

Hello Everyone!  Well, even though it is not a "stitch and pitch" game - I have procured 4 tickets to the West Michigan Whitecaps game tonight.  I am heading out with Ken and two friends - Paul and Linda.  I will be bringing "Something Black" to knit as I "watch" the...

Friday Follies

Hello Everyone!  Well, it is Friday!  It was a LONG week, but one that ended on a very high note.  I got to "work" at Friends of Wool today!  If you can call spending the entire day in my LYS work!!  So, how did I get so lucky?  Well, Rose and Ruby were heading to...

There's a whole lot of nothing going on!

Hello everyone!  So, here is the blogger challenge - to blog when nothing is going on!  I have been reading lots of forum posts on Ravelry - one of particular interest - what to blog about - and especially, what not to blog about.  It seems that everyone has definate...

The Dog Days of Summer

Hello everyone - can it really be August?  This summer is just flying by - rapidly!  We had some much needed rain last night - a nice, slow, all-night rain.  It rained most of the morning as well.  I think this is the first rain we have had in several months.  So,...

Has Francisco moved?

Who would of ever thought that the chuckles I got over Crazy Aunt Purl's gardener woes would come back to haunt me.  Well, imagine my surprise when I arrived home to discover Francisco's weed wacker happy cousin - Paco - working in our condo yards!  My neighbors have...

"F" is for weekend!?!

Well hello everyone!  Hope you all had a "FANTASTIC" weekend!  Filled with "FUN"!  I had a "FABULOUS" weekend up at Lake Charlevoix with Ken's "FAMILY".   On Saturday, we (this would be Ken and me- and no, he did not think it was a Viper Festival - he was ready to...


It seems that change is inevitable - whether we want it or not.  Sometimes the change is from within ourselves, but other times the change is from external forces.  I think that a large part of lifes stess is due to my inability to accept change.  Now, that being said...

I'm in!!!!

Ravelry, that is!  I got my invite today!!  Woohoo!!!  Okay, so this is quick and from work - my user name is AsKatKnits!  This looks like an excellent way to waste time!!  (as if I need another way to waste time!!)

Baby knitting!

Hello everyone - I got the most wonderful phone call from an incredibly dear friend - who, by the way, has been trying, with her dearest husband, for the last 15 years to get pregnant for the second time.  Well, she let me know that they are expecting!!!  I was so...

Summer Time and the knittin' is easy…

Summer Time and the knittin' is easy…

Hello Everyone! Here is hoping you all had a great week! The weekend was truly welcome here in West Michigan. I was truly in need of a weekend. With taking a day "off" - not really off, but out of the office - I played "catch up" all week. I am more than ready for a...

The Knitting Mystery

Hello everyone!  Numbers show that many of you are knitting Mystery Stole 3 - and I am one of them.  With well over 6500 of us knitting along - it gives a whole new meaning to the idea of "Knitting Community".  I have not knit much lace - outside of some socks (which...

Photo Finish!

Photo Finish!

Here are the promised photo's from our Lansing Trek! Here is Lynne and one of the Lansing knitters.  I apologize, I do not remember her name!  Can you see some of the yarny goodness that surrounded us at Woven Arts? Here is Sarah and some of her knitting friends -...

Lansing, FO's, and Friends!

Hello everyone!  How is your summer going?  I hope as well as mine - I spent yesterday in lovely Lansing at Mecca surrounded by a multitude of yarns.  What was I doing there, you ask?  Well, I went over with Lynne and Laura.  Laura was kind enough to drive.  We were...

The Postman Rings Twice!

The Postman Rings Twice!

Hello Everyone! As you may know, work for me has been insanely busy this past week. Therefore, I headed in to work bright and early on Saturday morning! I could not sleep as the looming work was swirling around in my head! So, I headed in to work in the quiet that...

And so it begins….

Hello Everyone!  Well, July has most certainly begun!  Why is it that when it rains, it pours?  No measurable rain as of yet, but it is certainly raining in my life right now!  I am looking for the rainbow desperately!  Work was slow in June - so I put in my request...

Friday, oops, Sunday Follies

Okay, how on earth did June whiz by so quickly? Is anyone else as baffled by this as me? I am stunned that today brings the last working day in June! today is the first day of July! I am even more stunned that Sunday will have July marching in! I did not get this...


Kat’s bookshelf: read

When All Is Said
it was amazing
Seven chapters of sheer bliss. Beautiful writing and an incredible tale. Who would you toast on the last day of your life?
it was amazing
LOVED! Every single word. The thread that tied this story together is wonderful! I could not stop listening – it was that good!
2019 and audio
There Will Be No Miracles Here: A Memoir
it was amazing
A beautiful memoir. The writing is wonderful – the story shared is so poignant. I highly recommend.
2019 and audio-2019



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