MKAL’s, Good Listens, and February Stitches

MKAL’s, Good Listens, and February Stitches

Clue one just arrived and I have my yarn and needles ready! Cast on will be happening shortly!

In my ears is a book I have quickly become engrossed in – I am the Messenger by Markus Zusak. Excellent narration and a fascinating story. I have read one other book by Zusak, The Book Thief, which I loved. I am the Messenger is nothing like The Book Thief, but I am enjoying it tremendously!

Finally, today begins a new month in my stitch journal – and February brings wool, flannel, and a fresh set of stitches. I am excited to see how this unfolds.

Linking up with Ginny and her Yarn Along and wishing you a very happy February First!


A Joyful Tuesday

A Joyful Tuesday

Month One of joy is almost over, so how is my Joy Meter doing? What sparked joy in January?

Well, there were so many things!

The joy started with “virtual cheers” shared with Honore´ (okay, maybe this happened for me before midnight, but I am counting it!)

Joy continued with Mary’s help on this bit of hat knitting.

Joy overflowed in the books I read this month I finished 6 books this month! Best of the bunch: The Nix, The Secret History, Moonglow, and The Cruelest Month.

There was joy in the unity of the Woman’s March on Pittsburgh.

There has been so much joy in daily stitching – I just must add today’s stitches and the first month is done! I am so happy with this new outlet for creativity!

And, there was all kinds of joy inspired by all of you. Joy from your comments – joy from your posts – and most importantly, joy from the community we share!

What brought you joy in January?

Stand Together Monday

Stand Together Monday

“Activism is my rent for living on the planet.”
― Alice Walker

I know it is hard to believe it has only been 10 days since the start of the new administration, however in those 10 days there have been 3 large scale and entirely peaceful protests. In case you forgot – first there was the Woman’s March on Washington DC (which also spawned Sister Rallies worldwide)

Then began #StopTrumpTuesdays with rallies taking place at congressional offices nationwide.

And, then this weekend happened

I had no clue that we are a nation of super hero’s – activated and ready – but, I could not be more proud!

Here is to an active and fantastic Monday everyone!

Friday Truths

Friday Truths

They say the first thing to go is your mind… and apparently, mine is well on its way.

Truth #1:

Yesterday, I confessed to being 57. However, as Steve so kindly reminded me yesterday:

Okay but, really – how the hell do you forget your own age. Well, because I do not have any issues admitting when I make mistakes – it is true, I am only 56. And, I really feel so much younger today because of it! LOL

Truth #2:

After a week of temperatures in the 50’s and 60’s – winter has decided to return…albeit gently which is greatly appreciated.

Truth #3:

My chives are very confused as to what season it is! (as are all the singing birds!)

This was taken this morning…

Truth #4:

I am so insanely glad that it is Friday – it seems like this has been the longest week ever – the cocktail hour cannot get here fast enough! I am thinking Margarita’s today to toast President Peña Nieto – that is if I can convince Steve to make them!

Truth #5:

Next week clue numero uno of Kirsten Kapur’s Sock MKAL arrives (on Wednesday, in case you still want to join in!!) My yarn is ready and I am eager to begin. Yarn choice? Deep stash diving (see above!) I am not sure who the brown yarn is from, but the lovely golden-yellow is some very vintage Kim Kaslow aka The Woolen Rabbit sock yarn in the Tupelo Honey colorway. Now, are you wondering how I can remember that tidbit but not my age – I am giving you some real insight into what is important in my life – yarn is obviously taking up LOTS of brain space! Haha!

Truth #6:

The LINKS are back! The LINKS! The LINKS!

That is all I have for this week – have a truth-filled weekend and I will see you back here on Monday!

Mirror, mirror…

Mirror, mirror…

This week the topic for Think Write Thursday is to tell us what your mirror would say if it could talk.

Oh, boy…

Really? Can I just say for starters that I am unbelievably glad that my mirror cannot talk! Exceedingly glad – and then some! Ha!

However, perhaps if it could talk it might say things like this (in no particular order)

  1. Yes, your hair looks fine and does not need more hairspray. Really.
  2. Please do not forget the under-eye cover up – those dark circles and bag are not your friends!
  3. You know, if I were a bit bigger you might not need that magnifying mirror… okay maybe not.
  4. Two words – grey roots! You better get on that yesterday, girl!
  5. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!! And, puh-leeze!! Use the SPF 30 stuff!

Do you hear the sarcasm, because I sure can! In actuality this was a very challenging topic for me – one that is totally outside my comfort zone. I am not comfortable talking about myself in a positive way – I can talk about things I do, or ideas, or beliefs without any hesitation. But, when it gets down to that face in the mirror – it is an entirely different story.

Rather, here is what I see when I look at this picture – a middle-aged woman who will stand up for what is right and help you if you have a problem. I am a procrastinator and a dreamer and I do not at all feel like I am 57, but I sure as heck am glad I am not 75 (yet) or 25 (again). I am content with who I am inside even if I am uncomfortable talking about the outside.

A challenging journey that is, I hope, far from completion.

Thank you for selecting such a thought provoking topic this week Carole. And, I really mean that!

If you would like to join me and Carole on our Think Write Thursday journey, you can do so by signing up here.

Escapism Knitting and Reading

Escapism Knitting and Reading

“Escapism is survival to me. – Johnny Depp

Yes. Yes, it is. And, in these trying days – it is one thing that is helping keep my sanity (even if it is just hanging on by a thread)

Knitting on Rock the Lobster has resumed – I am into sleeve two decreases and it is moving along nicely. Escapism knitting FTW!

In the mindless – meditative knitting category – Deep Sea Jelly Fish Cowl is moving slightly less quickly. Meditation these days is a challenge – it is strangely easier to forget if I am focused on the pattern and counting. But those colors…

Reading is the best form of escapism that I know and I am about half way through The Secret History and while I am not certain this is the best escape – it is so well written and I really am loving this book. I have a list of things on hold at the library and I am in the ‘what if they all are available at the same time’ phase. Yeah, I hate when that happens!

That is all I have today – I am off to my little escapist world. Have a good Wednesday everyone!

Joining Ginny with her Yarn Along this week!

Filling the Creative Well

Filling the Creative Well

“You must do the thing which you think you cannot do. – Eleanor Roosevelt

Last year I had high hopes of creating these incredible stitching projects – yet when it came right down to it, I was my own worst enemy. I did not like what I was creating. I had high expectations and, sadly, my own critique was just as high. I spent more time removing the previous days stitching and my internal criticism soon shut down any creativity and the stitching went in its box and was not opened again.

Enter 2017.

This year I decided on a new approach – I am giving myself permission to fail. Seems simple, but trust me it has not been. There have been many days that my stitching did not seem right. But, I ignored that voice and left the stitching in the piece. Sometimes the next day, the previous day’s stitches seemed a bit better to me, and sometimes they did not – but over the course of days and after adding more stitches something incredible began to happen. This awkward stitches now seem to fit. Or maybe that small quiet voice of creativity is gaining confidence and my “creative eye” is figuring out how to – well, be creative!

I have gotten many questions on Instagram about how I am doing this and what am I using. It is a challenge to give all the information there, so I thought it would be nice to share it here. I am not accomplished in stitchery – I have done some counted cross-stitch, and some quilting – neither of which were ever “free form.”

My inspiration came from Bonnie Sennott – who stitched last year and shared via Instagram. She is stitching again this year, but now is only sharing via a Patreon account if you want access to see her work. I was also greatly inspired by the Slow Stitch book by Claire Wellesley-Smith – and really, reading this book was the GREATEST inspiration. It has been out a while now – and I would check with your local library, but I recommend this book as an excellent addition to your library!

So, what am I using to my stitch work – really, the simplest of things. I got my fabric from Joann’s – it is linen (I got a remnant which I washed in the washing machine and then air dried) I divided this remnant into three sections – I will get more linen when I need it.

I have several embroidery hoops, but the one I like best for my daily stitching is a small 5″ hoop. The goal is to not stitch all day, but rather spend a few minutes each day and this small hoop keeps me mindful of that.

Now, let’s talk about thread – could you use embroidery floss? Yes, you absolutely can – you can use whatever you’d like! I am using DMC Perle Cotton size 12 – which I also got at Joann’s. The color choices are extremely limited in stores, but they have good basic colors – white, ecru, black, red, darker red, and navy. I had in my “stash” some Valdani threads – I do not remember where I got them but, as Mary shared with me, Amazon has a good selection and at very good prices! The Loopy Ewe is also carrying some Perle Cotton in size 8 and Valdani threads as well. As the season’s change, I will be adding in more colors.

I have a local stitching shop – but they are mainly focused on needlepoint and cross-stitch, however I have picked up a few bits of thread from them – they range in sizes from slightly smaller to slightly larger diameter than the Perle Cotton but I like that diversity in the stitching.

Needles – I am using DMC Chenille needles in size 22 and 24 depending on the thread I am using. I find a needle threader extremely useful as well.

Stitching has become something I look forward to each day and I will be sharing my journey as the year progresses.

I hope you find this helpful – here is to a year of un-stifled creativity!

The Resistance Community

The Resistance Community

We have all known the long loneliness, and we have found that the answer is community. – Dorothy Day

Friday was a low day – I felt bleak, without hope, and fearful. I attempted to avoid the as much of the news of the day that I could manage. I did not watch the inauguration and it seems I was in good company as the numbers watching both in person and per the Nielsen ratings reflected that much of America did the same! (Despite what the Liar-in-Chief and his band of dolts want to tell us)

I really wanted to attend the March in Washington, but Steve was concerned that something would happen – so I stayed home and attended the Pittsburgh Sister March. I dragged Steve with me – although he would not wear a pink hat (there were many amazing men wearing pussy hats though! Bravo to them!!) Saturday’s march in Pittsburgh was incredible – the people just kept coming! People of all ages, men and women – it was incredible! The estimates for the march were 25,000, however, I think the number was a bit more than that. (And, if you went to a march you can register your presence by texting “count me” to 89800 – they have an active Google Doc with the tallies).

However, something magical happened on Saturday – the bleak, hopeless, fearful feelings were replaced with feelings of hope and promise. 25k (plus) people who were all kind, focused, non-violent, caring, and unified – it was so amazing. Suddenly, it clicked – I am not alone, I have this incredible community! It was so phenomenal watching the news about the other entirely peaceful marches that happened all over the world on Saturday – peaceful, no violence – kind of impossible to imagine, but the reality is that this is the perfect foil for the name calling, lie-filled opposition. It is energizing – and I am ready to get to work on the next thing!

That’s right, Saturday was not a one-off for me – last night I was on the, Indivisible, and Working Families Party phone call to get my plan ready for #ResistTrumpTuesday – more community means increase feelings of hope and promise. When the first things discussed on the call revolved around only loving, peaceful protest – I knew without a doubt that this movement is not starting off in a bad way.

Now – I want to share with you a couple of easy actions for you join me in doing today:

  1. The 65 is rallying around Protesting Betsy DeVos’s confirmationso call your State Representatives today!!
  2. Also – and #ResistTrumpTuesday – these will be ongoing for the next 100 days. This week’s action can be found at There is a search option to find a group near you – JOIN THEM! It is the community you want to be part of! (I will make sure that I keep you all updated on what the plan is for the following week – really, we are in this together!)

Happy Monday and welcome to the community!

The Avoidance of Friday

The Avoidance of Friday

Friday generally is the best day of the week – the doorway to the weekend.

But, today it seems to be the Monday-est Friday ever. Almost as if all the Monday’s of all time have been rolled into this one day.

Painful times infinity.

Today will be a day of avoidance for me – avoiding news, avoiding Facebook and Twitter, avoiding television and radio (sorry PBS and NPR – today I just can’t). I am not sure how I will manage this with how “technology-centric” my life is – but I am going to try. This also means no emails and no looking at my iPhone – a true challenge.

There will be no links today – although perhaps they might make a good distraction.

I will be reading, knitting, watching the birds (see above – a dule of doves?), and getting ready to stand up with the resistance tomorrow in Pittsburgh.

I have added a book to my “read list” We are the Change We Seek: The Speeches of Barack Obama by E.J. Dionne Jr. and Joy-Ann Reid. It is sad that President Obama’s farewell address is not in this book – I think it should be.

But, I will leave you today with President Obama’s Thank you – it is just what I needed for today, and I hope it is what you need too!


Mirror, mirror…

With Presidential Thoughts

This week’s Think Write Thursday topic is to write about 3 things I would do if I were the President of the United States. (Carole adds this bit of confidence to the topic: “I’m very certain that any one of us could do a fantastic job!”)

Well…. that certainly inspires some monumental thoughts! And, ones that I have never considered before. Me as President?!

Yeah, that would never in a million years happen.

However, perhaps I could offer some arm-chair coaching that could be entirely useful as well as incredibly helpful.

One of my favorite shows was Borgen – which was all about the government process in Denmark. And, while I realize this is far from reality – there are some things that I think are an excellent take away that could prove useful to improving our system here in the United States.

  1. Cabinet selection – rather than selecting donors who gave significantly, or your friends, or – god forbid, your family as those who advise you during your presidency. I think it would move this country in a much better direction and decrease the current state of gridlock that exists to sit down and negotiate with the political parties about their representation in the cabinet. This way everyone has a voice. Everyone is part of the process. And, I mean all parties – The Green Party, The Libertarian Party, Republicans and Democrats – both moderates and conservatives, and, yes, even the Tea Party. Perhaps, if everyone has a seat at the table – there would be incentive to govern and do so in a manner that represents all the people!
  2. While in my heart of hearts, I would love an extremely liberal court – I know that balance is the key to the courts success. And I think that a court that reflects our diverse nation is a very good thing. So, I would encourage the President (whoever they are) to improve that diversity with justices that reflect that.
  3. Finally, I would like America to make education important – as important as it should be. We are a nation that somehow has fallen far behind on the value of education. Educated citizens make informed decisions, they are not afraid of diversity, they are not fearful of differing opinions, and they understand what compromise is. They are also less likely to be influenced by the phenomenon of “fake news” and fear mongering. Healthy debate is crucial to democracy and an educated nation would not fear reasoned and informed debate – they would welcome it! And let’s remember, compromise is not losing – it is forging a way forward, creating something that everyone feels good about – something that everyone had input in creating.

There is my tiny bit of advice for anyone desiring to be President.

Tomorrow brings the close to what has been, in my opinion, a practically perfect presidency. Did he get everything right? Of course, he didn’t but his measured and thoughtful leadership have given this nation something they can be very proud of. I will close with some encouragement President Obama gave us to hold on to and inspire us in the coming days:

“Democracy does require a basic sense of solidarity – the idea that for all our outward differences, we are all in this together; that we rise or fall as one…I am asking you to believe. Not in my ability to bring about change – but in yours.”

If you would like to join Carole and me in our Think Write Thursday journey, you can sign up here.

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