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Unraveled Wednesday | 4.11.18

Unraveled Wednesday | 4.11.18

One of my absolute favorite things about any knitting project is the final step…blocking. From the yarn blooming, to the stitches evening out, to the wonder that happens when you pin out a garment – for me this is the magic of knitting. I have been secretly working on...

Tiny Moment Tuesday | 4.10.18

Tiny Moment Tuesday | 4.10.18

Sometimes, those tiny moments all add up to an overwhelming moment that makes you stop and contemplate how you got there… Last week was one of those weeks. It all began with this very simple devotion from Henri Nouwen. Simple, but impactful…Giving and Receiving. I am...

How is it Monday already…

How is it Monday already…

…and why is it snowing again??? At 5PM last night, Steve said to me how is it Sunday night already? Where did the weekend go? I could have used at least one more weekend day, or maybe two! Doesn't a 3-day work week sound amazing? Good things about the weekend: The...

A Nebby Fiber Friday

A Nebby Fiber Friday

There is so much to share today, I don't know where to begin! First up… Cluaranach, she is finished! Now begins this great internal debate about blocking her. I am of the mindset this morning that I really don't want to lose all the glorious texture. She needs a bit...

Three on Thursday | 4.5.18

Three on Thursday | 4.5.18

Today's things are a "mixed bag" … Thing One: In the WTF Category Thing Two: I have just 18 rows to go on my Cluaranach! Well, 19 if you count my kitchner row… Thing Three: I have not gotten a hair cut in 8 months, but all that ends today! Yes, I have an appointment...

Unraveled Wednesday | 4.4.18

Unraveled Wednesday | 4.4.18

The knitting continues, steady and slow. I have enough yarn to do one more repeat on each side and then the joining begins! I am also knitting my Lunar Phases MKAL, but I am refraining from sharing "spoilers" until it is done. Confession time, I have absolutely no...

Tiny Moment Tuesday | 4.3.18

Tiny Moment Tuesday | 4.3.18

Yellow daffodils Bring sunshine on fragile stems On grey, rainy days Steve is back at work today, and #The100DayProject begins today. For me that means 100 days of movement, and yes, even on grey rainy days! I hope your Tuesday, like mine, finds you back to your...

Mother Nature, Supreme Jokester

Mother Nature, Supreme Jokester

This is what we woke up to this morning. Mother Nature apparently did not realize that yesterday was April Fool's Day, however, weekending continues as Steve has today off for his birthday! But, maybe the joke is on her because tomorrow it it supposed to be in the...

Fiber Friday | 3.30.18

Fiber Friday | 3.30.18

First things first! The final round of voting is open! Mary had casually mentioned the idea of knitting the Final Four...which I think is a brilliant! Seeing the wonderful patterns that made the final four, this idea has some merit. Who is interested? Tonight, clue...

Three on Thursday | 3.29.18

Three on Thursday | 3.29.18

The world is mud-luscious and puddle-wonderful! e.e. cummings I am desperately trying to see my back yard through the lens of cummings, so today I am sharing three good things about the rain! Thing One: After several of moderately warm and rainy days, my forsythia is...

Unraveled Wednesday | 3.28.18

Unraveled Wednesday | 3.28.18

Greetings, Unravelers! While I would love to say that it is all knitting and reading – all the time here, sometimes life interrupts that scheme. This is one of those weeks with lots of busy-ness with Easter prep. Shopping to do, things to ship, meals to plan...in all...

Tiny Moment Tuesday | 3.27.18

Tiny Moment Tuesday | 3.27.18

Little bits of time, Every single day creates Winter memories When I originally "planned" this year of stitching, I had something much different in mind. And, so I began with that plan, but I was not happy with how it looked and so over the course of the first days of...

A Hopeful Monday

A Hopeful Monday

We are not here to curse the darkness, but to light the candle that can guide us thru that darkness to a safe and sane future. John F. Kennedy This weekend the light at the end of the tunnel grew profoundly brighter. I spent a bit of time watching the televised March...

Fiber Friday | 3.23.18

Fiber Friday | 3.23.18

Lots going on today and it even appears that it will be a nice weekend here in Pittsburgh! First up...don't forget to vote! Round Three is open with so many good choices! Tonight, the first clue in Larissa Brown's Lunar Phase MKAL will be out! I am so excited to see...

Three on Thursday | 3.22.18

Three on Thursday | 3.22.18

Thing One: Spring Envy: Yesterday's snowmageddon was an assault to my spring longings. The fact that I had to stitch snow into my spring sampler was painful. However, this mornings trek outside with Sherman had me rethinking "painful" as the poor robins in the photo...

Unraveled Wednesday | 3.21.18

Unraveled Wednesday | 3.21.18

Greetings, Unravelers! First up...some mood music courtesy of the First Full Day of Spring. Next...Did you vote yet? Round 2 is open until 11:59PM (Pacific time) tonight. Now that we have that taken care of, on to the knitting which has been very focused this week!! I...

All Things Being Equal

All Things Being Equal

At long last, winter is over, and spring is here! And, while it might not feel like spring in my neighborhood today as the last gasps of winter roar outside. Inside, spring is beginning on my canvas, and my mind is just buzzing with the possibilities! Happy Vernal...

Monday Endings

Monday Endings

Sometimes Monday's are for endings… Today is the 89th and final day of winter and I will complete my last bit of stitching in Winter later today. I knit like the wind this weekend and today will bring me to the end of the first skein in my Clauranach. And, it is the...


Kat’s bookshelf: read

When All Is Said
it was amazing
Seven chapters of sheer bliss. Beautiful writing and an incredible tale. Who would you toast on the last day of your life?
it was amazing
LOVED! Every single word. The thread that tied this story together is wonderful! I could not stop listening – it was that good!
2019 and audio
There Will Be No Miracles Here: A Memoir
it was amazing
A beautiful memoir. The writing is wonderful – the story shared is so poignant. I highly recommend.
2019 and audio-2019



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