Be Still Sunday

Be Still Sunday

Up next, a quiet Sunday with some meditation, reading, and knitting.

It’s my time to recharge for the week ahead. My hope is that today will do the same for you. Happy Sunday, Gentle Reader.

The view from here

The view from here

In the face of the senseless tragedy, the words of Mr. Rogers echo in my mind, “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.'”
Be a helper to those around you today.


One Step Forward, Ten Steps Back

One Step Forward, Ten Steps Back


The hurrier I go, the behinder I get – Lewis Carroll

Last week, I beamed my warp (weavers speak for winding the warp threads on the back beam). This week, I made a valiant attempt at a tricky threading of the heddles. Attempt being the key word.

I made multiple threading errors that I should have noticed when I did my few picks of plain weave. Again, please take note that I said should have.


Hitting the Jackpot

Hitting the Jackpot


You can’t expect to hit the jackpot if you don’t put a few nickels in the machine.” – Flip Wilson

Carole was off in Vegas doing a bit of celebrating this past weekend and because of that, I think this is the perfect 10 on Tuesday! I sure hope they were doing lots of shouting over the weekend!

Ten Things to Shout When You Hit the Jackpot:

  1. What?!?!
  2. NO WAY!!!
  3. OMG
  5. We’re in the money!
  6. I can’t believe it!
  7. Yipppeeeeeee!
  9. Wait, what?
  10. I have to pay how much in taxes???!!!???

Chances are very good that I will never shout any of these ten items because in order to win a jackpot I have to put some nickels in the machine, which I don’t do with any regularity.

That got me thinking about other ways to hit the jackpot and I think a non-gamblers jackpot list is a thing… isn’t it?

So here is my Non-Gambler’s Jackpot list:

  1. All of your kids graduating from college AND finding jobs
  2. The birth of your first grandchild
  3. Noticing that you have lost weight and you have not been dieting
  4. Groceries that miraculously pro-create in your cupboard eliminating the need to ever return to the grocery store
  5. Self-folding laundry
  6. The discovery of a Pug that does not shed
  7. Teleportation is a reality
  8. Deciding that you do not have insomnia, but really only need two hours of sleep at night
  9. Being able to do your hair EXACTLY as your stylist did – Every. Single. Time! (See Saturday’s post!)
  10. Getting gauge on the gauge swatch on the first try

Now this list would be hitting the jackpot indeed!

Happy Ten on Tuesday!

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